Why not celebrate the arrival of spring by joining our Eco-Congregation Scotland neighbours from Wardie Parish Church on 14th & 15th May for their Open Gardens event?!
Saturday May 14th 2.00 – 5.00pm
6 Granton Road Formal back garden with a variety of interesting flowers and shrubs.
79 Granton Road Spacious back garden with a wide range of planting.
176 Granton Road Large mature garden with ponds and a great variety of flowering plants and vegetables. Plant sales available
179 Granton Road Mature garden with mixed planting including apple trees. Refreshments available
Sunday May 15th 2.00 – 5.00pm
9 Lennox Row Lovely mature sheltered garden, with a wide variety of planting.
Kirtle Lodge 102 Trinity Road Large beautifully landscaped garden with some new developments.
20 Primrose Bank Road Front and back gardens open.
Church Garden 29 Primrose Bank Road The planting is now developing and taking shape. Plant sales & refreshments available
Donations welcome for Christian Aid Week SCO39150