Our friends at St Salvador’s Scottish Episcopal Church in Stenhouse have run a food bank for many years. They are now finding a huge increase in demand.
The cutting of the Universal Credit payment and the ongoing steep hikes in fuel and food costs combined with the necessary support needed for the Ukraine and other refugees, have already resulted in an increased need for this and all foodbanks. St Salvador’s food bank is only officially open on Wednesdays but there have been requests recently for food aid at other times, including after the St Salvador’s Sunday services.
Please bring items for the foodbank to St John’s Services or whenever we are open and they will be delivered to St Salvador’s ad hoc. Thank you!
For anyone who would like to be involved in food bank as a volunteer, you can get in touch with the team at St Salvador’s through their website here where you can also make a financial donation if you wish.
The following is a list of some of the most in demand items:
Coffee, sugar, rice, pasta and pasta sauces, cooking oil, porridge, cereals, tinned fish, biscuits and puddings. Anything sweet or containing chocolate is extremely popular! Basic toiletries shampoo, shower gel, soap dispensers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sanitary products, deodorant etc. Nappies (especially the larger sizes) and baby wipes. Cleaning items, sprays, wipes, soap powder, washing up liquid, kitchen roll, bleach, tissues.