A brief note of some of the discussion and decisions made at the Vestry meeting of April 2022

Use of the Chalice
After some discussion on resuming use of the common cup, Vestry’s general view was that it was too early to resume using the chalice and will review the question again once weekly infection levels have dropped below 10,000.

Iain reported that bookings are continuing to rise. There had been an electrical surge at some point in the previous week which had seriously damaged various key bits of equipment. The new fire alarm was being fitted.

Azeem reported that Fiona McLuckie, Ioan Kettle and Colin McEachran would like to be on the Committee which he was setting up. Azeem had also had discussions with various members of the congregation about what action they would like to take. Azeem hoped to hold a meeting of the Committee in the next week. He would then circulate proposals to Vestry ahead of Vestry’s next meeting.

The Rector told Vestry of two candidates for Board membership and a possible third. It was agreed to postpone discussion of Board membership until more information was available.

Vestry noted that Andrew was now volunteering some time on Monday afternoons to support this area.

Away Day
Vestry plan on holding an away day later in the year.