A brief note of some of the discussion and decisions made at the Vestry meeting of May 2022

ECCCT (Together Trust)
Anne Martin was appointed as representative on the Together Trust. Our lay representatives are currently now Anne, Lesley Morrow and Anne Pankhurst, who continues as a representative but will be standing down in the near future.

Children & Families
Rosie has had a zoom meeting with a number of parents recently. A meal for children & families is being held in the Cornerstone Centre on 12 June following the Sung Eucharist. We also discussed our current provision for teenagers and young adults.

Exploring Faith Matters
This course has been running for 1 year now. There will be opportunity for those interested to start the course in September, with those having completed 1 year being able to continue to a second if they wish.

Diocesan Synod
Anne Martin has now been co-opted onto the Diocesan Mission & Ministry committee

The installation of the new fire alarm had now been completed. The railings are to be be de-rusted and prepared for painting. Iain would then be looking for volunteers to paint the railings.

There will be Festival Pulpits again during August

We aim  to reintroduce the collection plate during services at the end of June. Markus will contact the sidespeople about the implications for the regular Sunday teams. We will also be investigating the possibility of an extra card reader.

Conversations are ongoing around how best to respond to the plight of refugees, including those displaced by war in Ukraine. The group steering this will be seeking opinion and making recommendations that will help us form a long-term strategy/plan for our ministry in this area.

David Clarke was appointed asa member of the CDEL board.

Plans are being developed to formally commission those who have volunteering roles within the church, such as Vestry, music ministry, Guardians etc.