Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Dad’s Bread Pudding Our Dad enjoyed cooking, and in the days when hot puddings with custard were a staple, his bread pudding was one of our favourites. A simple recipe and a great way to use up stale bread. Ingredients • 8 oz stale bread, brown or white • 2 oz sugar,...
Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Salad Ideas

Salad ideas I break salads down into 4 groupings and take one thing from each grouping to make the salad. I don’t have a salad recipe, I have a matrix of combinations I adjust for the occasion. Add the carbohydrate/protein section to make it a light lunch, or...
Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Main: Rumblethumps

Rumblethumps A recipe from a Kelso friend using local ingredients. Similar to Bubble and Squeak, but don’t tell that to someone fae Kelso. Ingredients • Any left over vegetables mixed together . If making from scratch • Potatoes peeled, boiled, mashed, lots •...
Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Main: Moroccan ‘Soup’

Moroccan Soup This is a vegetarian version of Harira, a classic Moroccan dish. It is especially associated with the evening meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan. Ingredients • 800 g of tinned tomatoes • 400 g of tinned chickpeas • 200 g of red lentils • 4 medium...
Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Main: Green Filo Pie

Green Filo Pie Based on a Ligurian recipe by Anna del Conte.   Ingredients • 600 -1000g seasonal greens – eg leeks, spinach, chard, courgettes, kale, green herbs – washed, drained and finely chopped • 150g risotto rice • 4 eggs • 100-150ml olive oil •...
Pudding: Dad’s Bread Pudding

Main: Gnocchi with Spinach, Kale & Garlic

Made with previously baked potatoes or sweet potatoes   Ingredients Cooked potatoes (or sweet potatoes) A little flour, nutmeg, salt, a lemon Spinach, kale and garlic Method Mash your potatoes well with a fork, add a little flour, a touch of nutmeg if you have...